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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Elmo gets Busted for Possession

Elmo gets Busted for Possession. Sesame Street 5.0 rolled up on Elmo's hydroponics lab after a K-grader attempted to slang 4 oz of Sour Diesel reefer to his Kindy-gartin teacher from a blue bag plastered with Elmo's trademark. When the child was asked to turn in his homework he replied, "I donno 'bout dat, but i got sumpin else you might like!" Apparently the boy's father, 33 yr old Ronald Washington a single father of 2, was in deep with Oscar the Grouch's bookies and had turned to Elmo in desperation. Elmo paid off the bookies but then had Washington by the short and curlies. It seems, the beloved public televisions star was trying to expand his market and Ronald's son was networked in at the local elementary. When asked to comment, local authorities responded," We fear that this is just a small piece of a much larger criminal cartel, we are pretty sure that Elmo is just a small time puppet. There must be someone else pulling the strings." S.S.P.D. has turned up the heat on the local criminal underbelly, doubling the law enforcement officers on the beat in the hardened streets of Sesame...Get more here tZeduk Productions

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BC Buds