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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Willie Nelson Band Busted with Marijuana

Willie Nelson Band Busted with Marijuana | I feel I can speak for all MMJ USA authors when I say Willie Nelson is a badass. Willie is one of the only reasons I would ever choose to listen to country music... Elvis is the other reason.

From the AP | Six Willie Nelson band members are being faced with charges for illegal possession of marijuana and moonshine for an incident at a Kenansville North Carolina show last January. District Attorney Dewey Hudson states that the musicians “are not above the law,” and that the massive amount of fans asking for the band to be given a free pass are in vain. Read More Here.

So, of course MMJ USA thinks this is bullsh*t and District Attorney Dewey sounds like the bad guy in a Beatles song. So in respect, here is Willie with one of his gooduns, Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain:

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