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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Medical Marijuana Taming Autistic Demons

Does Medicinal Marijuana Tame Autistic Symptoms? | Here is a 2 part article from a mother who feeds her autistic son marijuana cookies. Before you judge, read her story. | Part 1 | Part 2 |

Location, Rhode Island - Text from the mother - Marie Myung-Ok Lee: My son J has autism. He’s also had two serious surgeries for a spinal cord tumor and has an inflammatory bowel condition, all of which may be causing him pain, if he could tell us. He can say words, but many of them—"duck in the water, duck in the water"—don't convey what he means. For a time, anti-inflammatory medication seemed to control his pain. But in the last year, it stopped working. He began to bite and to smack the glasses off my face. If you were in that much pain, you’d probably want to hit someone, too. Read The Whole Story | Part 1 | Part 2 |

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