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Friday, April 30, 2010

New Jersey Multiple Sclerosis Patient is Free on Bail

Delmont, New Jersey | A 37 year old Multiple Sclerosis patient, John Wilson, was released from Southern State Prison early this week.

John was sentenced to 5 years in prison last month for growing marijuana and possessing mushrooms. 1 month and $15,000 later, Wilson says that other than a few muscle spasms and prison being a little scary, his health was OK while he was in custody. Full AP Release

It's no good that John had to go through all this, but it really is a perfect example of the gapping flaws of the existing legal system. New Jersey's new Medical Marijuana laws are set to go in to effect, August 1st 2010. But even then, John will not be able to grow his own "medicine". He'll have to go to a state run dispensary and pay their prices. John is already not able to afford his prescribed multiple sclerosis medication, which would cost him $3000 a month... Unless you want to wait 10 - 12 years for NJ to get their head straight, it's time for you and your Mom to move to California John.

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