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Friday, April 16, 2010

New Jersey MMJ Fall Harvest

May we suggest a Festival to go along with New Jersey's first ever Medical Marijuana Fall Harvest? I think MMJ USA just did.

New Jersey will harvest their first marijuana crop this Fall. 6 State Run Dispensaries, yet to be announced... as far as I know. State Grown Weed - New Jersey Does it Different - and in my opinion, they do it in a less free and/or American way. Let the free market do what it will. You don't need a massive harvest under lock and key. Let the individuals of NJ have a profitable home business... But anyway, New Jersey is doing it their own way, lets see how it works out.

From NJ.Com | If all goes according to plan, New Jersey’s first legally grown marijuana plants will be harvested this fall from greenhouses, where they will have been growing for months under the gaze of cameras and security guards. The plants will be dried, packaged and readied for purchase at six licensed facilities by thousands of registered patients who have debilitating illnesses.

The product will not be called Garden State Red or Jersey Gold or anything like that. But when that first joint is lit, New Jersey officially will have ventured where none of the other 13 states that legalized marijuana consumption for medicinal purposes has gone before: taking the lead role in the pot manufacturing and distribution business.

New York Interior Design

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