Since the Oregon Supreme Court ruling in the case of Emerald Steel Fabricators Inc. v. Bureau of Labor and Industries medical marijuana user's in Oregon have been left without jobs while the state's Labor Services are rendered useless with their hands tied behind their backs. The court ruled that employers are not required to accommodate employees using the herb even with a doctors recommendation.
How do the people feel about the ruling? Well:
Prohibition is a sickening horror and the ocean of incompetence, corruption and human wreckage it has left in its wake is almost endless.
Prohibition has decimated generations and criminalized millions for a behavior which is entwined in human existence, and for what other purpose than to uphold the defunct and corrupt thinking of a minority of misguided, self-righteous Neo-Puritans and degenerate demagogues who wish nothing but unadulterated destruction on the rest of us.
Based on the unalterable proviso that drug use is essentially an unstoppable and ongoing human behavior which has been with us since the dawn of time, any serious reading on the subject of past attempts at any form of drug prohibition would point most normal thinking people in the direction of sensible regulation.
By its very nature, prohibition cannot fail but create a vast increase in criminal activity, and rather than preventing society from descending into anarchy, it actually fosters an anarchic business model - the international Drug Trade. Any decisions concerning quality, quantity, distribution and availability are then left in the hands of unregulated, anonymous, ruthless drug dealers, who are interested only in the huge profits involved.
Please provide your own comments. Apply the emotional heat to stir the hearts and minds and the logic to justify the pathos.