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Monday, April 12, 2010

Conservative Ohio Idiot Tony Hocevar Loses his Right to Vote

Conservative Ohio Idiot Tony Hocevar Loses his Right to Vote. It wasn't enough that Tony could never complete elementary math. Numbers just plain confuse him. Throw a percent sign on the end of a number and he wets his pants. Recent blunders on the Ohio political front have called a greater shame to the surface. Tony Hocevar will lose his right to vote. According to the Ohio Constitution Article V: §6, " No idiot, or insane person, shall be entitled to the privileges of an elector". Given the recent and highly publicized evidence, he has been called to question on both fronts. By whom, you ask? Well the GOP themselves. Apparently a recent piece by a reputed blogger accused them of "utilizing the hiring policies for a Wal-Mart door greeter". With the obvious written in bold print in front of them, the Ohio State Republican party took an elephant size dump in their trunks and realized that Tony Hocevar was a rabid fool that needed to be put down. Sorry Tony :(

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