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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Doctors Suffer From Heart Failure

Doctors Suffer From Heart Failure.
Garon, 56, had hepatitis C. He died after a University of Washington Medical Center committee denied him a liver-transplant. The actions being "justified" because Garon used medicinal marijuana, a recognized treatment under Washington law.
Garon would have suffered and died in the same way in Oregon, where medical marijuana has been recognized for 11 years. Hospitals in Oregon and Washington make it standard practice to refuse transplants for patients who holistically use the good herb for symptoms of their conditions like severe pain, nausea and the FEAR OF IMMANENT DEATH.
Oregon's transplant program, run by Oregon Health & Science University and the Portland VA Medical Center, turns away patients using marijuana as though it was a just and wise practice. Legacy Health System also performs kidney transplants and supports a mindset the believes marijuana users should be allowed to die. As medical marijuana users die waiting for organ transplants they will never receive it makes us wonder, Does the medical community suffer from Heart failure? More Here or DIGG IT!?

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