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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cops Call Kalispell Killing a Medical Marijuana Murder

Cops Call Kalispell Killing a Medical Marijuana Murder. A 49 yr old male was Killed in Kalispell Montana and the body drug into the woods on the skirts of town. The cops have been quick to target "Medical Marijuana". So says Chief Nasset,""There are statements out there that medical marijuana had nothing to do with this homicide, and that's absurd. It absolutely did...There are so many issues going on and so many more reports on a daily basis about problems with medical marijuana that it's overwhelming us." The cops out in Kalispell are also quick to assume that there are even more medical marijuana crimes going unreported because the people in the movement are afraid of the negative attention. The California Police Chiefs Association had collected a whopping 52 medical marijuana related crime clippings. As we dig into our research here at MMJ it seems to us that this problem has a simple solution- OUTRIGHT LEGALIZATION. ! 100% of the crimes are COMMITTED AGAINST medical marijuana users, growers and dispensaries. The press suggest that the marijuana is what is being criminalized. 1 of the cases sited referred to a young man that was shot to death while trying to steal weed from a cancer patient. The fool that got shot was the criminal not the cancer patient so lets get that one straight. These cops are facing budget reductions if the marijuana movement continues and budget increases if they can paint a different picture. Of all the crimes in California the police chiefs had to scrounge to collect 52 cases against legal marijuana users and distribution centers. I wonder how many beer runs were committed in that time frame. The majority of these "Medical Marijuana Crimes" are actually crimes being committed because there is still a black market for the herb. Anybody spinning the facts to construct marijuana as the cause or culprit is attempting to criminalize the victims to justify immoral laws and an unconstitutional legal racket that has been lining their pockets deep and fat since the 1930s. "Legalizing it is not going to make people steal more or less. They're going to do it [anyway]," says Virginia Halverson a resident of Flathead Valley. More Here and Here. DIGG IT!!

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