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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Connecticut MMJ Fighters - Gardening is Never a Crime

The following is from good friends of the Medical marijuana Movement - Gardening is Never a Crime. They have operations in New York and Connecticut. The following text is from Cindy Day, Connecticut's contact:

* A scavenger Hunt is underway for one (1) WORMTOWN 2010 music festival. Details can be found at Gardening Is Never a Crime. This set of tickets was generous donated to "GARDENING..." by Derek Kipp of Massachusetts.

It is a fun way to help raise awareness of medicinal marijuana law reformation in CONNECTICUT as well as other states.... Good luck.

* RECRUITING is still underway for activists to join together for this November;s governor elections. Primaries are scheduled for August 10. Registration form link can be found at Gardening Is Never a Crime.

This site emanates from my passion toward marijuana law reformation. This means so much to me. I hope you can find some information within to question your present stand or to bring you to the side of REFORMATION.

Please be kind, we are all sharing this Earth
and Peace and Harmony should always prevail.

I am anticipating feedback on these links.
Email me questions about anything you find. As I am re educating myself,
this will be a great journey for me as well.

In closing, I do hope that if you are AGAINST reform,
may you never run into road blocks and
only find people willing to listen to your thoughts on any given topic.

Come over to the side of REASON and LIGHT (up!)

In Peace, Love and Truth,
Cindy Day

New Milford, CT

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