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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ron Paul Debates Marijuana Legalization with Stephen Baldwin

We have posted this video of Stephen Baldwin and Congressman Ron Paul on our teeny tiny video player you see to the right. But you really need to watch it so Im posting it big.
Ron Paul is brilliant in his defense of legalizing marijuana. Baldwin is respectful, except for a little bit at the end where he suggests Ron is only pro legalization because he has a lot of supporters that get high... Although, I'm pretty sure Baldwin is correct in assuming Ron Paul has a lot of pro marijuana supporters, he is wrong in assuming that is the sole or major reason Paul defends marijuana. I believe the actual reason Ron Paul has so many marijuana smoking supporters is that the potheads I know love actual freedom... NOT the social constrictive (in your bedroom) freedom the Tea Party Christian Conservatives believe in.
Anyway, I love Ron Paul... I've heard some things about him, but for the most part his ideas ring true in my head.

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