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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cop Bust Grow Ring in Santa Cruz California

Cop Bust Grow Ring in Santa Cruz California. Cops in Santa Cruz California made a killing today taking down over 1000 malicious herbs and 6 hardened thugs. Search warrants where issued for 5 residences in the Santa Cruz area where gardening is a heinous crime. 6 green thumb mafiosi are being charged with these violent acts of soil cultivation namely;Jonathan Schantz, 28; Brendan Collins, 25; Daniel Hatch, 21; Casey Robinson, 28; Joseph Olivo, 27; and Alan Islit, 39. The irony is there aren't enough "legal" grow operations to supply the legitimate demand for medical marijuana; therefore, legitimate operations and people growing for personal use become targets for real criminals and Distribution centers are being supplied by illegal grow operations that can be easily traced via paper trails from the scrutinized dispensaries. We can legalize it outright and end the lies and the criminal racket or we can watch our favorite herb be further demonized by government agencies that reserve the right to tromp into our homes and lives and ransack our mama's basement.

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