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Thursday, April 29, 2010

25000 Tennesseans already use Medical Marijuana

If you only believe in freedom for yourself and the activities you participate in, you don't understand what actual freedom is. 

From the Leaf Chronicle | Supporters of medicinal marijuana claim that 25,000 Tennesseans are using marijuana illegally today to battle chronic conditions or the side effects of diseases and treatments. They would like the state to make cannabis available by prescription for medical purposes.

The article from the Leaf Chronicle made a really sweet but clumsy try at sounding informed about medical marijuana. They listed a few diseases, "some" say MMJ helps. They said their state should be very careful with medical marijuana and cited instances of the dirty people of California using Medical Marijuana in a, God forbid, "recreational" manner. And the good Christian Conservatives of Tennessee should be careful of getting high with substances right? ...substances like Jack Daniels Whiskey right? Jack Daniels Whiskey, also known as Drunk Driving Fuel, is not only used legally and recreationally in Tennessee, but it's also created there. They then proceed to ship their poisonous, liquid gateway drug to the rest of the world. So, yes be careful with MMJ, Tennessee law makers, you wouldn't want to continue to look like gigantic hypocrites on this issue. The way I understand it, and correct me if I'm wrong, some counties in Tennessee are "Dry" counties... meaning the consumption of the alcohol they make in the same county is prohibited . That says a lot, yes? They're willing to make the big money producing their drug, but won't let each other consume it...

Let it be known, MMJ USA doesn't have a problem with Alcohol being legal. It's just a glaring example of the confusing hypocrisy that Pro Marijuana Americans have to live with.

Jamaica Villas


  1. oh the HYPOCRISY!!!!!

  2. As a lifelong resident of Tennessee I applaud this article for pointing out that although it is a risk, people all over the country are standing up for our rights! It is time to throw open your windows and scream "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Bravo MMUSA

  3. I am also a lifelong resident of Tennessee. I love the flat out truth of this article. It is past time that we gave people the choice! Educate! Regulate! Legalize!

  4. Lifelong resident of TN, 25 years of intractable seizures and the sometimes horror stories of pharmaceuticals and the life experieces. What can I do to put my voice, energy and time into helping to restore medicinal use cannabis? I am contacting representatives and asking friends and family to do the same at this point.

    I REALLY need this: I began having seizures when I stopped using cannabis and there are no more things to try for me.


BC Buds