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Monday, May 10, 2010

Redneck Throws Firebomb in a Billings Montana Marijuana Dispensary

Most of the following blurb is from the Associated Press | Billings, Montana 

A toothless redneck hucked a homemade firebomb in to Montana Therapeutics this morning. Fire crews quickly put out the Redneck's fire and thankfully no fire fighters were injured. No one else was injured, as the Redneck bomb was thrown a little earlier than 4:30 AM local time. The Redneck also painted "Not in R Town" with the R backwards like at Toys R US...


  1. You know not everyone in Billings are rednecks. These were young adults or maybe children who possibly do not understand, but that is not to say what they did was right and they need to make ammends for what they did. Maybe you should do more education than name calling. I am not opposed to medicinal marijuana, but I am opposed to name calling and sterotyping.

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    Definitely didnt mean to imply that everyone in Billings is a Redneck. Every group of people has their own percentage of Rednecks. Whites, Blacks, Gays, UPS delivery drivers, Businessmen, Californians, New Yorkers, Montanans, Germans, Australians, etc...
    The firebomber is ignorant. At least his/her actions imply ignorance, and I associate Rednecks with ignorance.... not any place or specific group of people.


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