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Monday, May 10, 2010

Illinois House Drags Feet as Illinois Patients Keep Fighting for Freedom

Illinois | A few minutes of smoking marijuana give Ana DeVarose hours of relief from the pain and nausea associated with multiple sclerosis so the 22-year-old Springfield woman doesn't have to take a handful of prescription medicines every day. The above was an excerpt of a great article from Dean Olsen of The State Journal-Register

Illinois patients will continue to patiently fight for the freedom to treat their very real afflictions with marijuana. Not only are they sick, they are also tired of having to use the black market to get marijuana that may or may not be laced with something extra or dirty from a myriad of different skin crawling scenarios. Millions of Americans are just as sick and tired as these Illinois patients are. If you are sick and tired, talk about this to your friends and family. Sign petitions or start petitions in your state. The only way people will see the light is if they are punched in the face with it... figuratively speaking of course.

Printed Circuit Board Assembly

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