A Puff of Fresh Air From New Hampshire New Hampshire is a place that has long prided itself on harsh punishments for petty offenses. According to
our source marijuana possession accounted for 85% of the arrests in 2007, for a grand total of 2,803. they are currently number 3 in the nation for harshest penalties for petty possession. The
New Hampshire state senate quite recently smoked a fat bill to amend these harsh penalties like it was packed into an
ice bong. So it was almost a shock that about 1 week later They would be considering HB 1373, a bill to establish a legislative commission to study the effects of New Hampshire’s drug laws, including
marijuana prohibition. This bill passed the House unanimously Feb 10, and seems a jumping off point that might be palatable for the Senate. Maybe they can blow a few million tax dollars and come to the obvious balanced equation PROHIBITION=BLACKMARKET=CRIME! The real problem lies in the fact that LAW=RACKETxPOLITICS+LOSSofFREEDOM^2 - so you can never trust a government, law enforcement agency, or political body to just do the right thing.
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