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Friday, May 21, 2010

HB 7275 will be a Huge Step in the Corrupted Direction for Rhode Island Medicinal Marijuana

HB 7275 is a Step in the Wrong Direction for Rhode Island Medicinal Marijuana. It looks like a few of Rhode Island's lawmakers have put their greedy little minds together to figure out how THEY can make money from the people in their state who need the medicine.
You see, the Freedom Haters have a problem. Were talking about medicine... that you can grow. "How the fu*ck can we make money from that?!", they ask themselves. Well, what if you force the people to buy their medicine from a state approved dispensary? The only legal cannabis plants are the cannabis plants being grown by state sponsored dispensaries. Any Rhode Island citizen growing their own medicine for free, will be victim to Police Raids and imprisonment. If they cant afford their medicine, they can burn in hell.
This is how your lawmakers look at you Rhode Island. Contact them and tell them what you think of their bill. This is NORML's Action Alert link. Very easy way of contacting your "Representatives".

Art of Learning


  1. Alternative Wellness Center
    2647 W. 38th Ave.
    Denver, Co 80211

    (720) 855-6565

    I am posting this because I think thats how I get this listed. Hopefully it works =)

  2. Hi Rachel,

    Weve fixed the confusing way the News and Dispensaries conflicted with each other. Hope you like the changes. Let us know if you do.

    Team MMJ USA.


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