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Monday, April 26, 2010

Cops Destroy Montana Couples Lives in Accidental Raid

Saint Marie, Montana | Cops Destroy Couples Lives in "Accidental" Raid

Alan Edson had every legal right to be growing marijuana in his saint Marie, Montana home. He and his wife had a pleasant life growing and smoking their medicine. Then one day some a*s-hole neighbor called the cops and as State Narcotics Bureau Chief, Mark Long said, "If we get a tip that a person is growing plants — whether it's six plants or 600 — we have to investigate it". Is that right dude? You have to investigate and DESTROY everything - then ask questions after your destruction and mayhem is complete?

So, after the cops found out that they "mistakenly" destroyed Alan's operation, are they going to pay for it to be rebuilt? NOPE, Alan's retired wife had to go back to work... destroying the peace they had created in their previously happy home.

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