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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Does Marijuana Help ADHD

Does Marijuana Help ADHD | Does Marijuana help with the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder? 

Army Veteran and good friend of MMJ USA, Mike Smith of HowToGrowBud.Com, explains in this article how marijuana was able to relieve the exhausting symptoms of ADHD much more effectively than the real drugs such as Adderall or alternative forms of treatment such as special diets and sugarless coffee. Read The Whole Article.

1 comment:

  1. The main symptoms of ADHD are anxiety, insomnia, flash-backs, mood swings, "numbing" and what is termed generally as a "negative affective state" which is a persistent bad mood.
    Medical marijuana is effective against these symptoms individually or collectively. This is why Canadian government pays for medical marijuana for their veterans, and our American Medical Association also voted to recognize the remarkable healing properties of Cannabis Sativa plant.
    It was recently reported by CNN that thousands of American veterans are addicted to a variety of controlled prescription drugs, namely opiates (Percoset, Oxycontin) as well "tranquilizers" and "antidepressants". If the Federal government finally woke up to the fact that the natural Cannabis medicinal plant can be used with the great degree of success in people suffering from chronic pain, ADHD, debilitating illnesses and many other disorders, the doses of (or duration of treatment with) the above-mentioned synthetic chemicals with all their unpleasant and dangerous side-effects could be reduced. I believe that our veterans should unite and demand their rights, for certainly our veterans' care should not be any worse than that of Canadians or any other nationals.


BC Buds