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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bad Decision for Christopher Bartkowicz

It turns out not running to Canada and changing his guilty plea to a not guilty plea was another Bad Decision for Christopher Bartkowicz of Denver Colorado.
Christopher's grow was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit. He went on TV, and told the world he was "Definitely Living the Dream Now". Chistopher was growing marijuana for registered MJ patients in Colorado; he allowed the DEA in to raid his house as he thought everything was in proper order. Another crazy mistake... A day after Bartkowicz's story appeared, DEA agents raided the house. It seems they were watching TV too. "It's still a violation of federal law," said Jeffrey Sweetin, the DEA's special agent in charge in Denver. "It's not medicine. We're still going to continue to investigate and arrest people." Whole story here.
So, Chris is currently out of jail on a 10,000 secure property bond. The Feds got nasty and added time and money to original charges because Chris was living and growing near a school. Although they have no evidence he was selling to children that's a nice little thing they stick in there to put the screws to you. Moral of the story is, if you grow in a legal state, keep your mouth shut about your grow. Don't tell a god da*n soul. Chris made many bad decisions on his way to hell. We must feel bad for Chris, but more important than that, we should learn from Chris.

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