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Friday, April 16, 2010

Start a Medical Marijuana Petition in Indiana

A few days ago, a loyal MMJ USA fan asked for help in starting a Medical Marijuana Petition in Indiana. I promised we would do some research - and here it is!!

If you haven't found them already, the first stop for anyone in Indiana that wants legalized MMJ is the facebook group called - Re-Legalize Indiana - Bill Levin feels he has Democratic and Republican support for the paperwork he has already filed.

But wait - There's More! 

Here is a site called Care2 | Care 2 calls themselves a Petition Site. There is already a petition on their site started for the general legalization of medicinal marijuana. But you can start one for Indiana specifically. Care 2 helps you put it together. Promoting your petition is up to you.

Petition Promotion includes but is not limited to: The Door to Door approach, social networking, hanging outside of Wal Mart to collect signatures, bake sales, etc... But we will help where we can, anyone who starts up a petition for the legalization of MMJ in any state, including Indiana.

Art of Learning

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