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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Over 100 Los Angeles Dispensaries to be Shut Down

Described as the Wild Wild West for Weed, Los Angeles MMJ dispensaries have enjoyed a freedom not experienced in America for some time. But that's all over now. Los Angeles Councilman, Jose Huizar has been pushing for harder line regulations for dispensaries because of complaints in his district of the viral spread of MMJ.

Over a hundred medical marijuana dispensaries across Los Angeles, California will soon be sent notifications by authorities that they must shut down starting June 2010.
On Friday, approval was awarded to the last piece of the ordinance by the City Council, which is the fees that the dispensaries would have to pay in order to stay operational, ending a long-drawn legislative process and a legal vacuum that had allowed such dispensaries to mushroom all over, completely unchecked. Read The Whole Article from TopNews.US

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