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Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Jersey Approves Medical Marijuana Lawyers Speculate Shift in Federal Statute

New Jersey Approves Medical Marijuana Lawyers Speculate Shift in Federal Statute. While New Jersey has approved the use and possession of up to 2 ounces of marijuana under a doctors recommendation. There are now more than a handful of states permitting the use of MMJ. The movement on the national level will surely adjust at least to permit further studies into the medicinal properties of Cannabinoids. Such studies have been limited up to this point to do the stance of the Feds and the ironic War on Drugs that has never been anything more than a racket that has created crimes, black markets and escalating budgets for police departments, 3rd district courts, and inmate housing facilities. A recent surge in criminal activity surrounding the medical marijuana movement has been used as an opportunity for fear mongering by authorities facing budget cuts. While it is true that there have been new kinds of marijuana crimes along with the steady progress of the MMJ agenda it is not because the herb is increasingly legal but do to the black markets that still exist and the accessibility of the large quantities of the plant no longer hidden that make dispensaries and medical marijuana users open target for criminals and the DEA. Legalize it outright and end the lies.

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