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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mountain View California in Trouble for Violating Constitutional Rights

Mountain View, California | From Mercury News | A medical marijuana collective (Dispensary) opened recently in Mountain View, flouting the city's ban on pot dispensaries. And for being so bold, the club now may be slapped with a lawsuit from the city.

But guess what Mountain View law makers? The owner/operator of the dispensary in question, Matt Lucero, is a high priced and powerful lawyer that knows the city is in violation of his constitutional rights. Mountain View's ban violates constitutional rights of due process and equal protection, Lucero said, plus it's pre-empted by state law that legalized medical marijuana several years ago. He said he made millions as a corporate attorney and has the finances to fight the city. Time for Mountain Views lawmakers to receive an abrupt bit*h slap.

MMJ USA respectfully hopes Matt Lucero takes all of Mountain View, California's money...

Medicinal Marijuana

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