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Friday, April 16, 2010

The Medical Marijuana Debate on the International Stage

The Medical Marijuana Debate on the International Stage. Scientists, teams of researchers, lab animals, and innumerable human volunteer test candidates from Brazil, Israel, Canada and the even the reluctant US have ventured to the Sixth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics. Medicinal marijuana advocates boisterously engage Obama and Company for the proper and immediate action concerning the petition to reschedule marijuana for medical use that has sat dormant on the national agenda since the beginning of the Bush Jr. administration. This petition, drifting listlessly since 2002, contends that marijuana should be accepted for medical use based on a mountain of scientific evidence and to get the DEA OUT OF OUR BACKYARDS. Since 2002 more scientific studies and states of the union have recognized the medicinal efficacy of sweet Mary Jane. More here

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