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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Illinois Sparks Up the Medical Marijuana Debate

Illinois Sparks Up the Medical Marijuana Debate. Senate Bill 1381 and House Bill 2514 better collectively known as Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act will allow patients and care givers up to 7 dried (harvested) plants and 2 ounces usable cannabis. Proponents also point out that california might get $1.4 billion from taxes according to the estimations of Marcus Delgado. I think they are missing the scope. Legalize it outright and create a thriving private industry and expansive pharmaceutical and herbal access. Hemp has the number 1 biomass/bio fuel ratio. It is significantly better than corn. The plant has a high rate of photosynthesis and certain strains will grow heartily in terrible conditions. It is the greenest solution to so many problems. More here or DIGG IT

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