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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Giving up money and fame for marijuana was "Proof" enough Ricky Williams is an Addict

"Smokin' weed is more important to him than being a professional football player!" | "He hates Football!!" That's what a few of the thoughtless say and feel of Ricky Williams.

Sean Pamphilon's, ESPN 30 for 30 Special - Run Ricky Run was excellent, and I recommend everyone find when it's playing next and DVR/TiVo it.

Everyone has seen the 9 million in debt Ricky owes for breaking contract with the Dolphins. Everyone has seen Ricky choose Marijuana over Football on more than a few occasions. What we don't hear or see are people asking the question, "Why would you have to choose between the two?". And if you still think Ricky was wrong for choosing the path he chose, here are a few points of interest that may change your mind.

There is much more to Ricky Williams than most of us knew. One of Ricky's closest said that Ricky is STILL afraid of his mother. She had a lot to say and she seems very nice now... and also very regretful. Most of the regret was from Ricky's father. Williams has incredibly sick and thankfully short memories of his father. How bad? He wanted to grow up and be a policeman, so he could legally shoot and kill his father. Why? One big reason: Ricky claimed as a child that his Dad made him take a nude photo of himself. No proof at the time of Ricky's accusation, because it was a Polaroid.... but his mother found the photo years later, exactly as Ricky had described it. When asked about the photo, Ricky's father said he didn't recall any sexual misconduct with Ricky.

So, what of Ricky lately? In 2009, Ricky Williams became the first runningback in NFL history to go 6 years in between 1000 yard NFL seasons. Oh yeah, and the nearly 9 million in debt the Miami Dolphins wanted Ricky to pay back for not fulfilling the contract? "It's an internal matter now."

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