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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hawaii Medicinal Marijuana Initiative Gets Smoked

This just in from the Washington Post. An initiative to amend the decade old Medicinal Marijuana Laws in the island state of Hawaii got smoked today. It would have allowed medical marijuana patients the right to buy marijuana. it is currently legal to grow and use if you have a doctors validation. The House Judiciary Committee refused to consider the measure before the deadline on Thursday. Apparently the Judiciary Committee of the brave state of Hawaii trembles in fear before the Feds and their ridiculous stance. tZeduk Productions


  1. The war on drugs is really a “ WAR ON THE PEOPLE “. This ugly war is not benefiting anyone but the bad guys. End the war and solve the problem by taking the money revenue stream away.
    Legalize and start to control marijuana. It's not harmful in any way at all and can increase not contimure to decrease our national debt. The American Medical Association in 1979 declared Marijuana not harmful. Since then Scientist and doctors have firmly and irrefutably showen how cannabis can fight cancer, increases brain cell growth and improve the quality of life for everyone. Why carry on this war on the American people? The “ War on the American People “ must end to allow the damage that prohibition has caused to the United States to be repaired. 40+ years of social, economic and political damage will take a while to reverse but the American People demand it NOW.
    The only question I have for you is “Are you going to be replaced in November or will you support a total reform of Americas Drugs laws “ ?


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