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Friday, November 26, 2010

Is Green Crack a Positive Strain Name

Is Green Crack a Positive Strain Name for the Pro Marijuana Community?

Quick Answer is Yes, its a fantastically effective brand name. Long answer is:

First, I'd like to thank my facebook friends over at Individual IClick for giving me this topic to think on. The Individuals make an assertion that the strain name, "Green Crack" is bad for the Pro Marijuana movement. 
This could make sense on the surface. Crack is a terrible drug. Crack has ruined countless lives. Crack is crazy addictive. ALMOST gives its abusers no chance of return. But we are supposed to be living in a Free Country. As long as I am not affecting someone's freedom or property, then I should be allowed to kill myself as quickly or slowly as I choose. If I choose to do it quick with Crack or a knife to the wrists, that's my choice. If I choose to do it slow with Twinkies and a sedentary lifestyle, that's my choice.
As far as the Public Relations problem The Individuals have with "Green Crack"; Even though we all now agree that Crack should be legal, it's still a negative, and understandable if someone wouldn't want it associated with their product of choice. But if you have a problem with the effectiveness of the brand, "Green Crack", then you may also have a problem with the effectiveness of using sex in advertising. You remember Green Crack, you can imagine how Green Crack might feel if you hadn't smoked it. I doubt seriously that many people would think that a hit of Green Crack would have the same or even similar effects of real crack. If they did think that, they are most likely not the target audience. So, who gives a shit what they think?    :)
Marijuana is a product. Just like corn, coffee and rice. Why would limiting advertising for your product be a good idea. We should never apologize for wanting to treat marijuana like any other product. We don't need to worry about what the Puritans think about the plant we love the most. We move forward, paying no attention to the Nanny State bullshit they've talked themselves in to believing.

1 comment:

  1. I understand both sides, as a mmj patient, I need that specific strain, Green Crack. Yes, it is true that we are taught to hear the word crack and associate very negative connotations. WE GIVE WORDS POWER positive or negative. By making excuses for the name it helps feed into the idea that we are not completely confident ourselves. This is not crack this is marijuana! It has great uplifting motivating real relief for depression anxiety bipolar patients. Yes it's about going green now forthe planet and for our bodies. So I'm happy to stand firm that I am happier and healthier for being a patient using GREEN crack.


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