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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Now 2 states that allow Out of State Medical Marijuana Cards

medical marijuana card

Now there are 2 states (Oregon and Montana) that allow Out of State people to get Medical Marijuana Cards - Get them asap. Oregon and Montana currently allow out of state folks like Snowbirds and College  Students and whomever else it seems to get a medical marijuana card while you're in Montana. and/or Oregon. Take advantage of it because it may not be available like this for long.


  1. Great blog, just came across it.

    Does this mean that these people would be able to buy weed both in that state and their home state?

  2. Only if their home state allows out of state cards. Most states dont. Basically this means if you go on a ski vacation or whatever in Oregon or Montana, you can get a card and use marijuana legally while in Montana or Oregon... if you qualify for MMJ.


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