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Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Fix America - Swap Fair Tax for Income Tax and Legalize Marijuana Outright

Are you sitting around smoking black market weed in a state that doesn't even support Medical marijuana yet? Or, Are you a puritan who believes he has the right to restrict his neighbors freedom? Are you not sure what to think about Arizona's shi*ty immigration policy? Are you confused by the Title of this post after reading this opening paragraph? So am I, but I swear I'll tie all this up by the end.

First, let me quickly attack our state and federal income tax, by outlining some of the problems it causes:
  1.  Illegal Immigrants do not have to pay the same rate in taxes that we pay with this taxing system - How many illegal immigrants would have to start paying the same taxes we pay if we initiated a fair consumption tax? How many illegal immigrants do we have in America at any given moment?
  2. Tourists do not have to pay the same rate in taxes that we pay with this taxing system. How many Tourists do we have in America at any given moment?
  3. Some Americans (Believe it or not) get paid under the table and therefore do not have to pay the same rate in taxes that we pay with this taxing system. How many Americans are working and being paid "Under the Table" in America at any given moment?
The first question most people ask when introduced to the idea of a Fair Consumption Tax is, "Well, wouldn't the sales tax percentage have to go way up to match the amount of money that income tax currently generates?" Knowing that the three above groups of people would have to start paying in to our taxes at the same rate we do... wouldn't it make sense that American citizens would now have to pay less to get the same amount of money that they (the IRS) had only been collecting from Americans playing by the rules? More people adding to the pot means less needs to be added from the individual.

But, What would the author do, if anything about illegal immigration? Great Question.... Short answer is; Not what Arizona is doing.

Do most Americans have a problem with our Mexican neighbors working here? Nope, we just don't like the drug violence that comes from Mexico. But, we urgently need to realize that drug violence from Mexico and hard working illegal immigrants from Mexico are two completely separate issues. One isn't a problem and one is a massive problem caused by our own Government. Puritanical America needs to realize that MOST of these hard working Mexicans are better at being Christian than they themselves are. What does that mean? The percentage of bad eggs amongst Mexicans is probably smaller than bad eggs amongst Americans. Just a guess.
Other major point to realize about our hard working neighbors from the South is: They provide the cheap labor necessary that allows many small to mid size American businesses to operate. Without that cheap labor, many of those businesses FAIL. It's a win-win relationship, American Small Businesses get the cheap but effective labor they desperately need, and our neighbors from the South send home money to make their family's lives better. Nothing needed to be done about that symbiotic "situation". Yes we have a porous border, but it helps both of us.

Note: American Big Business and collusion between their lobbyists and our elected officials achieve legislation like tax breaks for sending jobs overseas. Not only do they save money from the cheap labor, they get tax breaks for doing so. Big Business gets their cheap labor with immoral, paid for legislation. Point? Cheap labor is required at every level of competitive business. Its the world we live in.

If you're still wondering how swapping a Fair Tax for the current Income Tax and how legalizing marijuana outright would fix America, this last paragraph will hopefully help you sort it out.

Introduce a Flat Tax; Everyone in America (legal or not) pays taxes on the things they choose to purchase while in America. The rich pay more in taxes because they buy bigger nicer things. But we all pay less because there are more people paying. Now, when a product in demand such as marijuana is prohibited, the demand doesn't magically go away. What does happen is; legitimate, non-violent businessmen are replaced by businessmen willing to be violent (ie. mobsters, gangsters, black marketers) ...  Would legalizing marijuana decrease violence at our Southern Border? Did legalizing alcohol decrease violence in Chicago? Does a Bear shit in the woods?


  1. Well, that was stupid. Do you have any idea what you're talking about, really? It seems not.

  2. Ok anonymous, why dont you enlighten us? Whats your problem with a fair tax or legalizing weed... or whatever it is you think is stupid.

  3. Legalizing weed aside - basically every editorial on this subject is identical, so whatever - how is a "fair tax" different from a sales tax? How is a "flat tax" fairer when it would disproportionately affect the poor, which sales tax already does? There is a reason we don't have a flat tax in America, and it is because it would not work.

    Not to mention that illegal immigrants, while paying no income tax, true, still pay state and local taxes and receive no federal benefits. Tourists, as well, contribute huge sums of money to cities and receive next to nothing (besides a fun time.)

    What is the POINT of this post, anyway? That income tax is too difficult to understand, we should just have a federal sales tax?

  4. LOL, If thats the point you got from the post, maybe it's just too much for you. Sorry, Anonymous - keep checking back, we'll have something you can handle sooner or later.

  5. "It's a win-win relationship, American Small Businesses get the cheap but effective labor they desperately need, and our neighbors from the South send home money to make their family's lives better. Nothing needed to be done about that symbiotic "situation"."

    Whoever wrote this is a moron, seriously.

    Thanks for not actually explaining the point, then? Or countering anything else I said. If you want to write about economics, fine, but at least, y'know, know what you are talking about before you write an entire post about what would "fix America".

  6. Fair enough Anonymous,

    My counter is:

    Why does the sales tax on food and clothing have to be at the same rate as luxury items?

    And, What is false and/or moronic regarding the symbiotic exchange case I made?

  7. Because you said it yourself, "flat tax". Not to mention that luxury items are usually imported. It would, again, put a disproportionate burden on the poor and middle classes.

    It is not a 'symbiotic exchange'. Migrant workers aren't paid enough to support themselves and receive no benefits. One class living in poverty while the other profits from their labor is not a 'symbiotic exchange', it's exploitation. It's ridiculous to think that it is mutually beneficial when illegal immigrants literally have no choice.

  8. What you're saying makes no practical sense anyway. How would a federal sales tax be implemented? Would it be in addition to state sales tax? Would it usurp state sales tax? In either case it would have to be 30-40%, again mostly on the middle class, in order to effectively "replace" income tax.

  9. And the tax would have to be implemented on things that the current sales tax does not cover - house payments, medical bills, utilities, and rent - just to break even.

    Also do you really think that "violent mobsters" and international drug-runners would disappear if we legalized marijuana? Do the words 'cocaine' and 'heroin' mean anything?

  10. Your in desperate need of some imagination. it seems you have an opinion on fair tax. Is it stupid or moronic? Nope, its just different, and btw, flat doesn't mean all products and services are taxed at the same rate. again, no imagination... but thank God you are free to have your OPINIONS, huh?

    I have worked side by side with illegal immigrants for over 10 years. Would they say the system is perfect? of course no, but was it worth leaving your family and getting in America illegally? Absolutely.. What they hate worst of all is being paired up with the completely separate issue of border violence... which brings me to the next point...

    I absolutely believe cocaine and heroine (all of which I have heard of) should also be legalized... taking everything away from the black market... except for human trafficking. But if you dont think taking marijuana off the black market wouldn't cripple MOST Cartels/Gangs then you really need to read up and get current brutha.

    Once the black market only has humans left to buy and sell - we can use all of our resources (police, courts, etc..) that are currently wasting their time on chasing down drug related crimes, to hunt down the true criminals - folks who operate in the human trafficking and sex slave trade.

  11. You can keep the flights of fancy if I can keep the facts. A "fair tax" is stupid, and would not work, and would hurt the middle class. Those are facts, and your opinion does not get in the way of them - even though you haven't explained why a fair tax is better, and how it would be implemented, and how it wouldn't hurt the poor and middle class. And yes, flat does mean "taxed evenly", that is exactly what it means in relation to taxes.

    This isn't a discussion about legalizing drugs, so you can stop that. This is a discussion about taxes. (This could have been a discussion about the relationship between illegal immigrant workers and their employers, but you changed the subject without addressing my point.)

  12. The only good thing about this post is that it doesn't launch into a rant about how the 16th amendment wasn't ratified or isn't constitutional, though it is still a short-sighted, single-issue piece of junk.

  13. I addressed your points - point by point. LOL, one of your previous comments brought up illegal immigrants. How many personalities am I corresponding with here?

    The Title of my post is SWAP Fair Tax for Income Tax. Did I cover every corner of how it should be implemented? No, I described a scenario where more people were adding to the pot, meaning less would be needed from the individual.

    You have no actionable evidence that a Fair Tax, implemented the right way, would destroy our Middle Class, the same class that is being assaulted right now under the current system. You only have an opinion and a lack of imagination.

    This discussion was about my post. Ive addressed most if not all of your points. Read it all over again and you will see that Im correct. Maybe you should bone up on your comprehension abilities too.

    You disagree, that's fine. You've provided as much fact as I have. I have never maintained that what I wrote was anything other than my opinion. Go ahead and prove to everyone that a Flat Sales Tax would destroy our poor and middle class. ....You know why you wont do it? Because you cant prove it... it's your opinion.

  14. Apparently you can neither read nor write. No, you haven't addressed anything I've said. You didn't even counter my "exploitation" comment.

    You haven't said what "the right way" to implement Fair Tax is. You haven't said how more people would be involved, considering that illegal immigrants already pay sales tax and receive no federal benefits. You haven't said how a fair tax - which is a complete misnomer - would not fall on the middle class, which is the purchasing class. It seems you haven't done any research on this whatsoever, when even a passable knowledge of taxation and economics would have made you understand you were wrong.

    Oh look, it's that thing you said I couldn't prove. Enjoy. (Plus the middle class is hardly being 'assaulted' by our current tax code, drama queen.)

  15. lol, I guess thats proof enough for you huh? Between my post and comments, I have addressed all of those points you just mentioned. Read it all over again sweety pie.

    And sorry, yet again, You gave us no proof, you gave us someone else's opinion. You probably think Fox News is Fair and Balanced because they say so, right?

  16. No, you really didn't. Next time you want to have an opinion about taxes - and what would "fix America" - maybe have like, a graph, or some numbers, or maybe a quote from an authority on this subject. Not just "The rich pay more in taxes because they buy bigger nicer things" and "we'll [magically] pay less". Also, "sweety pie"? Are you serious? Making a gendered, condescending remark to an anonymous person doesn't prove a point.

    Yeah, you didn't read the thing I linked did you? No one could call that an "opinion".

    And are you honestly pegging me as right-wing? You're the one with the conservative taxation opinions.

  17. Yes, I did read the opinion piece on how the likes of Governor Huckabee would implement a fair tax. Did you read it?

    Your making all kinds of wild assumptions... Why would you assume everyone would implement a fair tax the same way Huckabee wanted to? Why would you assume I meant anything about your gender when I said sweety pie? And why would you assume that you are the only one that can call people names? :D

  18. Goodness, you didn't read it at all. Yeah I'm sure you could magically make a flat tax on purchases work with your brilliant and novel implementation despite obviously knowing nothing about economics or tax law.

    I haven't name-called whatsoever. I don't know if you're being willfully dense or not, but oh well. I'll let you continue your topic-switching and point-missing on your own.

  19. Does Drama Queen, Stupid, Moron, etc... ring a bell? If not go and read your comments again. Talk about dense. You dont even remember what you write let alone what you copy/paste. Go ahead and read back, you'll see that you wrote each of those things... but then again you do sound pretty irrational. Maybe you're at the point where you can lie to yourself and believe your own lies. Even if the lie is spelled out in front of you, by you.

    Dense is pasting a link about someones opinion regarding Huckabee's plan on Fair Tax implementation - and saying its something else.

    You Googled around until you found a piece that you thought would back up your opinion. The reason you cant find any proof that a Fair Tax will destroy our Middle Class is because there is nothing out there that could possibly prove what you're saying. Theres no proof for what Im saying either - But then again, Im not the one pretending I can prove anything.


BC Buds