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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Missouri Bans Fake Marijuana

Missouri has a history of enacting and enforcing strange laws such as; it was legal to kill Mormon Men in Missouri all the way up until 1978 or so. That's one to grow on.
Missouri is following the lead of a few other US states (Kansas and North Dakota) and European countries in banning synthetic marijuana, fake marijuana or K2. The fake marijuana is made up of dried herbs and flowers, and is sprayed with a chemical that mimics the effects marijuana has on the brain.
Admittedly, this law isn't as strange or intrusive as say, allowing the murder of a religious cult's male members. But it is pretty backwards considering the timing. While other US states are finally waking up from the stupor that years of black-market supporting propaganda created; Missouri, Kansas and N Dakota are figuring out new and innovative ways to be ignorant. Banning dried herbs and flowers is a nice way to keep up the stupid.

1 comment:

  1. They are ridiculous. There are much more harmful things in the foods Americans eat everyday. A little MSG anyone?


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