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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is it child abuse to grow Medical Marijuana in home with kids

Is it child abuse to grow Medical Marijuana in home with kidsIs it child abuse to grow Medical Marijuana in a home with kids? Short answer is No. Longer answer is; That's the stupidest fu#$ing question I've ever heard. Why aren't we asking if it's child abuse if you make your own wine or beer on the same property that you raise your children? That's easy; Because those are also stupid questions. Some Police in Colorado are despicable enough to try and take away someones child in retaliation to a legal home grow. Dude had a medical marijuana card, and could legally grow... so drumming up false charges of child abuse in order to eventually take the mans children away, or at least threaten the parents with that scenario, was the cops next best option.... and where I'm from, That's pretty sick chubs.


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