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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Iowa Considering MMJ

- NOT - 

Iowa is getting close to legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. But the same old thoughtless questions are rising up out of the GREED gutter...
  • Do we LET our citizens grow their own medicine?
  • How do we penalize people who are abusing the system?
  • How can we maintain our grip on the throats of the People?
Heres some advice for Iowa lawmakers, and any other state's lawmakers: Make it legal like any other plant. Stop trying to control our "Free Market". Stop making a mockery of a Free Market. Spare us your desire for a Nanny State. Prohibition is UN American. If you dont think so, read up and snap out of it. If you only believe in freedom for yourself, your kind and your activities... then you have no clue what Freedom actually is.

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