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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Marc Emery is Coming to America - by Canadian Extradition

Marc Emery surrendered to sheriffs in Vancouver early Monday. The Candian Press has deemed Marc Emery, The Prince of Pot. Emery is charged with using his magazine and web site to sell over  4 million marijuana seeds across the border, from Canada to the USA. 

Emery was busted by an American undercover agent who pretended to be a marijuana seed buyer. Prior to the bust, other American agents made many mail-order purchases from March 2004 to March 2005. 

Last year Marc agreed to turn himself in, in exchange for a 5 year sentence that Marc hopes will be carried out in Canada. An existing treaty between Ottawa and Washington permits extradition, but upon conviction the criminal may be repatriated to his country to serve the sentence. More Here.

Best wishes to Marc Emery as he gets this bullsh*t taken care of. 

Printed Circuit Board Assembly

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