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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Colorado Governor Bill Ritter will Sign Restrictive Marijuana Bill

Colorado Governor, Bill Ritter, plans on signing a more restrictive Marijuana Bill. The Colorado House voted 46-19 in favor of the House Bill 1284 yesterday. House Bill 1284 will:
  • Require MMJ Dispensaries to obtain licenses before selling to patients.
  • Allow bans on MMJ Dispensaries within local communities.
  • Regulates where MMJ Dispensaries can operate. Similar to State Liquor Stores.
  • MMJ Dispensary owners will be required to go through a Criminal Background Check.
  • Require an Audit of sorts to make sure money used for MMJ Dispensary is black market free.
  • Require MMJ Dispensaries to grow at least 70% of the marijuana sold by their dispensary.
  • Keep MMJ growing locations secret to avoid criminal behavior.
Regulators expect that only about half of the existing 1,100 MMJ Dispensaries in Colorado will remain after the new regulations take effect. Whole Story Here.

Jamaica Villas

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