So, New Jersey is in its MMJ infancy stage. NJ lawmakers are trying to decide where
MMJ dispensaries should be located and who should be able to have access. All I know is that when it's available in Newark, I and 4 million other
New Yorkers will be taking the
NJ Path train to the nearest doctor and dispensary. All the money New jersey makes will of course make New York law makers jealous, forcing them to follow their neighbors example.
Cliffside Park, NJ | The
New Jersey state legislature passed the bill S119 legalizing medical marijuana on January 18, 2010. Harmony Foundation (a non-profit organization), in association with Greenway University, is starting to hold educational seminars which will cover everything needed to know about the
medical marijuana / cannabis industry.
In the next six months, the state health department must decide who will be permitted to open "Alternative Treatment Centers" (ATC), how medical marijuana should be tested, in what communities it should be sold and to design rules and regulations for the New Jersey medical marijuana industry.
Read the Whole Story.