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Monday, April 5, 2010

MMJ Cupcakes

I know that these MMJ Cupcakes look fantastic. But, don't get too excited, as it's not what you think.

I was searching like i do, and I came across MMJ Cupcakes. Its a blogspot blog that promotes cupcakes... and they look god damned delicious. I then saw that their most recent post said, "Closed Again". So I'm thinking these are medicinal marijuana patriots, fighting the good fight... and they got closed!... again!!! Well, I don't know why they were closed, but apparently the MMJ stands for the first letter of each of the baker's names MeekoSaysBlaBlaBla, Munirah and JyJa Medwahi. So false alarm, but maybe the good bakers at MMJ will see this and produce "special" batches for our readers... depending on where they are of course.


  1. it was closed several times because we're in college and busy and away from home.

  2. Hahaha. Now seriously, this is funny.
    Marihuana for medical usage? Really?
    Sounds interesting.

    Could you print it with names and could I choose the colour? I was thinkin with a light purple top. and with d word "Ray" on it..

    Is it possible?


BC Buds