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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Freedom Fighters in New York

This is from our good friends at Gardening is Never a Crime.

The push is on to change the Hearts and Minds of a few key NY Senators, who seem to have no interest in Compassionate Care. All hands are on deck. along with Marijuana Doctors have placed the first Pro Medical Marijuana Billboard in downtown Binghamton NY. Other Billboards are being planned as they become possible. Most importantly we are targeting certain Senators with a post card blitz. As with all endeavors Money sometimes becomes the deciding factor. 

NY Patients First is looking for donations of Postcard stamps. Get the Word Out.

They also have close to a thousand Post Cards being sent to Barack Obama on or near April 20th. 

To help out, join the fight or donate to the cause - Contact them through this facebook page.

New York Movers

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