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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Minnesota Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Minnesota Medical Marijuana DispensariesMinnesota Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | Dispensary Listings coming soon...


  1. Medical Marijuana needs some attention in minnesota. sadly many of the prescription drugs have more and or worse adverse affect/effects than Medical Marijuana and most times i find Marijuan Helps much more than "Precription Drugs".
    it is a sad day when place of employment incorporates random drug testing (un-constitutional)when "Medicanal Marijuana Use" has been used for 20+ years and find yourself facing being fired and possible criminal action.
    i feel it is much like when a woman is married 30+ years and is used to that way of life and gets allimony etc to continue the way of life that she knows no other way to survive... Medicanal Marijuana Use should be considered in much the same way.



BC Buds