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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Medical Marijuana California sees Steady Increase

Availability of Medical Marijuana California has seen a steady increase in Medical Marijuana facilities. Recent Moves by the Federal government have assured that the raids will cease. (Jamaica Villas) Of late we see a steady increase in applications for dispensaries providing marijuana products and a vast assortment of herbs to treat many a malady. There is a "university" in California that provides training for people looking to make the venture into the expansive legal cannabis industry. Read more about it here.


  1. I need info on getting my card,and where the dispensaries are in Las Vegas,NV?Contact me at THANKS

  2. Hi trouble in vegas. Thanks for visiting. Use the state directory at the top of every page of this site to go to our Nevada section. We just added two new dispensaries in Las Vegas yesterday. I'm sure they can also help you find out how to acquire your card.


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